Idaho Falls, ID | (208) 524-0322


Elevate your car's health with our DIY car care guide! Uncover wallet-friendly maintenance tips to boost performance and extend your ride's life. Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls has all the deets.

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's easy to overlook the heartbeat of your daily commute – your car. But here's the deal: caring for your vehicle is crucial for a smooth and reliable ride. It's not just about the performance; it's about your safety on the road and ensuring your car stays with you for the long haul. So, why not take a hands-on approach to its care? Sure, regular check-ups at the mechanic are essential, but diving into the DIY car maintenance world has some awesome perks. Not only does it save you money, but it also gives your vehicle a longer and healthier life! Curious about easy tasks you can handle at home? Keep reading our DIY car care guide!

Maximize your engine's potential with AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-30 100% Synthetic Motor Oil. Uncover this high-quality solution and additional options at the AMSOIL online shop. Need expert guidance? Call Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls at (208) 524-0322 for tailored recommendations.

Checking Oil Levels

Checking your oil levels every month is one of the best things you can do to ensure a healthy engine. Wondering why? Well, oil tends to evaporate, especially in the hot engine areas. If you skip these regular checks, your oil reservoir could end up dry, putting your engine at risk of damage from friction and overheating. Refer to your owner's manual for guidance on performing an oil-level check. You will find steps similar to these:
  1. Park on a flat surface.
  2. Confirm the engine is cold.
  3. Locate the oil dipstick, remove it, and wipe it clean.
  4. Reinsert the dipstick for five seconds.
  5. Pull it out again and check the oil level between the two marks.
  6. Add more oil if the level is near or below the lower mark. If it's above the upper mark, consult your mechanic.

Checking Tires

Keeping your tires in check is a breeze. Start by checking their inflation once every month – grab a gauge, unscrew the valve cap, press the gauge on, and voila! Compare the reading to the recommended PSI in your car manual. Easy, right? Now, tread depth. Stick a penny into a tread groove, Lincoln's head down. If you can see his whole noggin, it's time for new tires. It's no rocket science, just DIY tire maintenance for a smoother ride and better grip.

For more expert car care tips, call Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls at (208) 524-0322 anytime. Also, remember you can conveniently order top-quality synthetic oil through AMSOIL's website.

Replacing Air Filters

Do not overlook your vehicle's lungs: the air filter. Keeping it clean means better fuel efficiency and more horsepower. On the other hand, a dirty air filter can restrict airflow, causing your engine to work harder and use more fuel. Learn how to locate and replace it with these simple steps:
  1. First, pop the hood and find the air filter housing.
  2. Unlatch or unscrew the housing to access the filter inside.
  3. Next, inspect the filter. Check for dirt, debris, or damage. If it's clogged or visibly dirty, it's time for a change.
  4. If the filter is reusable, gently tap or vacuum off loose dirt. Avoid harsh cleaning agents.
  5. If it's a disposable filter, swap it out with a new one.
  6. Put everything back together, ensuring a snug fit.

Inspecting and Replacing Wiper Blades

Your car's wiper blades may seem small, but they work hard in rain, snow, and all types of weather. To keep them in shape, regularly inspect them using these steps:
  1. Park safely and turn off the ignition.
  2. Lift wiper arms, using any arm lock if present.
  3. Inspect blades for wear, tears, and rust.
  4. Check the wiper function for smooth movement.
  5. Measure or consult the manual for the correct blade size.
  6. Remove old blades by pressing tabs or using a screwdriver.
  7. Clean wiper arm connection point.
  8. Install new blades following the manufacturer's instructions.
  9. Lower wiper arms gently onto the windshield.
  10. Test new blades for smooth and streak-free operation.
  11. Adjust if needed, referring to the car's manual.

Finally, Battery Maintenance

Finally, let's talk DIY battery care. Regularly check for corrosion on the terminals. If you need to clean them, a quick scrub with a mixture of baking soda and water can work wonders. Just remember to wear gloves and eye protection! Next, check fluid levels if you have a non-sealed battery. Top it up with distilled water if needed. Lastly, make sure it's snug in its cradle – no jiggling allowed!

Keep your ride in top condition with our DIY car care guide. Need to stock up on premium maintenance products? Call Schell Distributing Inc at (208) 524-0322 or visit AMSOIL's e-store for the finest synthetic oil in Idaho Falls.