Idaho Falls, ID | (208) 524-0322


Get set to save big on gas in 2024! Cruise through our fuel efficiency tips and keep a wallet-friendly driving style. Check out the details in this post by Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls.

In today's world, with fuel prices going up, it's crucial to know how to save at the pump. It's not just about being savvy with your cash; it's also about being eco-friendly. With that in mind, let's talk about some easy and practical tips to get the most out of every drop of fuel. Get ready to drive smarter and save money with these fuel efficiency tips and tricks!

Want to experience the unmatched benefits of AMSOIL's synthetic oil? Order now by calling Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls at (208) 524-0322. Or, stop by AMSOIL's e-store for a closer look at the entire line of oils and supplies. Elevate your driving experience today!

Regular Vehicle Maintenance

Ensuring your car's well-being is crucial for both fuel savings and prolonged lifespan. Let's examine the key maintenance checkpoints:
  1. Oil Changes: Fresh oil reduces mechanical friction, improving engine performance and gas mileage. Make it a habit to follow your manufacturer's recommendations for oil change intervals.
  2. Air Filter Replacement: Clean air filters allow for better engine air intake, enhancing fuel efficiency. Replace your air filter as recommended in the owner's manual. This simple routine promotes optimal engine performance and helps avoid fuel waste.
  3. Tire Maintenance: Keeping your tires in good shape is not just about making them last longer; it also helps you save on fuel. Make sure to check your tire pressure often and get your wheels aligned when necessary.

Efficient Driving Habits

Your driving habits significantly impact your fuel consumption. Adopting efficient driving practices can lead to noticeable savings over time. Here are some things you can try:
  1. Smooth Acceleration and Deceleration: Avoid sudden acceleration and harsh braking. Smooth, gradual movements are not only safer but also promote fuel efficiency.
  2. Optimal Speed: Maintain a steady speed within the optimal range for fuel efficiency, usually between 45 to 65 mph. Higher speeds result in increased air resistance, reducing your gas mileage.
  3. Use of Cruise Control: Try using cruise control on highways. This helps you keep a steady speed, which saves fuel compared to going up and down in speed.

Reduce Vehicle Weight

Excess weight in your car can have a negative impact on fuel efficiency. Lighten the load for a more economical drive. Here's how:
  1. Clean Out Unnecessary Items: Remove unnecessary items from your car to reduce weight. A lighter vehicle requires less moving energy, translating to better fuel efficiency.
  2. Choose Lightweight Accessories: Go for lightweight accessories! When picking stuff like roof racks or seat organizers, choose simpler options. They help your car be more aerodynamic and use less fuel.

Amp up your engine's shield with cutting-edge blends like AMSOIL's Signature Series 10W-30 Synthetic Motor Oil. Curious about more choices? Reach out to Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls at (208) 524-0322 anytime. Or, explore AMSOIL's online store for the premium synthetic oil your engine craves.

Choose the Right Fuel

Not all fuels are created equal. Understanding your fuel choices can make a difference in your vehicle's performance.
  1. Premium vs. Regular: Evaluate the pros and cons of premium and regular fuels. In many cases, regular unleaded fuel is suitable for everyday driving, providing cost savings without compromising efficiency.
  2. Ethanol Blends: Understand the ethanol content in fuel blends. While ethanol can be environmentally friendly, it may impact fuel efficiency. Choose blends that align with your vehicle's specifications.

Smart Use of Air Conditioning

Air conditioning can be a fuel guzzler. Use it wisely to strike a balance between comfort and efficiency. Here's how:
  1. Use A/C Wisely: Minimize A/C usage when possible. Use it for highway driving, but consider opening windows for city driving to reduce drag.
  2. Ventilation Alternatives: Explore alternative ways to stay cool, such as using your car's ventilation system or parking in the shade to reduce the need for excessive air conditioning.

Finally, Plan and Combine Trips

Efficient trip planning not only saves time but also optimizes your fuel usage. Here are some habits you might want to consider:
  1. Combine Errands: Combine multiple errands into one trip to minimize the number of cold starts, which can be less fuel-efficient.
  2. Avoid Rush Hour: Plan your trips to avoid peak traffic times. Stop-and-go traffic consumes more fuel than smooth, continuous driving.

Drive wiser with the aid of our fuel efficiency tips. Unsure about which oils and car care products to go for? Give Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls a call at (208) 524-0322—they're happy to assist. And remember, you can always restock your supplies with just a few clicks on the AMSOIL website.