Idaho Falls, ID | (208) 524-0322


Don't let worn-out brakes dent your budget or safety! Learn how to extend brake life and save big with these actionable tips from Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls.

Imagine this: You're cruising down the road, music pumping, when suddenly, a red light pops up. You slam on the brakes, but nothing. Grind Silence. That's the nightmare scenario no driver wants to face. Fortunately, there's no need for that to be the case! Your brakes are your everyday heroes, silently stopping you whenever you need them. The good news? With some effort, you can keep them happy and healthy for miles to come. Considering the above, this post will take you through effective yet simple tips to extend brake life. We'll crack the code on how brakes work, unveil the secrets of smooth stopping, and show you how to spot trouble before it starts. So buckle up, and let's give our brakes the love they deserve!

Rev up your car's braking performance today! Experience the ultimate in safety and power with AMSOIL DOT 3 and DOT 4 100% Synthetic Brake Fluid. Reach out to Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls at (208) 524-0322 to grab this and more car care essentials. Or, stay ahead on the road by restocking online now!

Understanding Your Brakes

Ever wondered how your car comes to a smooth stop? Pressing the pedal sends brake fluid rushing like a high-pressure stream toward the calipers. There, it uses its hydraulic muscle to force the brake pads to clamp down on the spinning rotor. This creates friction, which slows the wheels and brings you to a safe stop. But here's the thing: to ensure this impressive routine never falters, you've got to keep those brake pads in tip-top shape. They must be thick enough to deliver reliable stopping power whenever needed.

Regular Checkups for Healthy Brakes

Brakes, like any other part of your vehicle, require regular maintenance. Skipping inspections can turn minor issues into major headaches (and expenses!). A quick visit to a mechanic can identify problems early on, from worn-down pads to leaky lines. This way, you'll ensure they're ready for anything the road throws your way. Plus, most manufacturers recommend inspections every 12,000 to 25,000 miles. So schedule yours when due – your brakes will thank you for it!

Mastering the Art of Smooth Braking

Have you ever heard the saying, "Drive like everyone else is out to get you"? Well, that's the essence of defensive driving, which we'll get to in a bit. But for now, let's focus on your driving habits. Aggressive maneuvers like speeding and slamming on the brakes are the arch-enemies of brake pads. Instead, embrace smooth and controlled braking. Also, anticipate stops and slow down gradually, allowing your engine to do some of the work.

Mastering Efficient Driving Techniques

Screeching to a halt at every other light? You're not doing your brakes any favors. Here's how to be a smooth operator on the road:
  • Anticipate stops: See that red light up ahead? Ease off the gas and slow down gradually. This allows for more engine braking and reduces the need for harsh braking.
  • Avoid riding the brakes: Don't be that driver who keeps their foot partially on the pedal while coasting downhill. This creates unnecessary friction and wears down the pads.
  • Engine braking is your friend: Heading down a steep hill? Shift into a lower gear and use the engine's resistance to help slow you down, taking the load off your brakes. It's a win-win for fuel efficiency and brake life!

Give your car the top-notch care it deserves, starting with its brakes. Contact Schell Distributing Inc in Idaho Falls at (208) 524-0322 for premium AMSOIL supplies. Ready to replenish your stock? Visit AMSOIL's e-store now and keep your maintenance routine on point!

Lighten Up, Brakes Will Thank You!

Think of your car as a pack mule. The more weight it carries, the harder it has to work, including the brakes. So, ditch the unnecessary cargo! Remove extra items from your trunk and keep your load to a minimum. Every pound shed is a win for your brakes and your fuel efficiency.

Defensive Driving: A Double Whammy for Safety and Brakes

The purpose of defensive driving is not only to ensure your safety but also to give your brakes a break. Techniques like maintaining a safe following distance and scanning the road ahead help you avoid sudden stops, giving your brakes a break (literally!). Bonus tip: stay alert and avoid distractions while driving. Faster reaction times can lead to smoother braking.

Warning Signs: Time to See a Mechanic

Finally, don't ignore these telltale signs that your brakes need professional attention:
  • Grinding noises when braking.
  • A soft or spongy brake pedal.
  • Increased stopping distance compared to normal.
  • Vibrations in the steering wheel during braking.

Extend brake life with AMSOIL! For the best brake fluid in Idaho Falls, contact Schell Distributing Inc at (208) 524-0322. And don't forget to keep your supplies fully stocked by shopping at AMSOIL's online store!